Donor Appreciation: Marketing Strategies for Fundraising Events

Consumers don’t buy products that they don’t want. So, it should be no surprise that people don’t give money to causes that they don’t care about. Non-profit organizations need to find donors that do care about their cause. This means putting in the research on how to most effectively reach like-minded individuals and businesses. Being right in front of them wherever they get their news is the first step. But you can’t expect to build a long-lasting partnership with a donor if you aren’t actively engaging with them. It takes a level of effort and commitment.

One popular way to attract donor and sponsor attention is through fundraising events. Beyond gaining money, they are fantastic for raising awareness and strengthening your relationships. Whether they are a charity tournament or a gala, these events involve many parties to make them a real success. You can’t just jump in feet-first. There’s a lot of necessary planning that you need to do with your team. We are going to dive into six marketing strategies for fundraising events.

Engage Early On with Your Supporters

The most successful brands in the world understand the importance of having a unique culture. This is something that you need to foster within your own non-profit organization. You are likely taking efforts that are quite similar to other non-profits, which is why you need to stand out. Showcase to prospective donors why they should fund your operation, as opposed to one of your competitors. A big part of this is going to be showing them appreciation every step of the way. Send them an appreciation card as soon as they make their first donation.

To prevent the loss of loyalty over time, you have to listen to your supporters. They are no strangers to your cause, so they might have some excellent ideas for you to implement. Donors want to know that their money is going to good use. If you aren’t taking the time to hear them out about their hopes for the organization, you may not be able to retain them in the long term.

Post About Your Event on Social Media

In this day and age, your non-profit is falling behind if you aren’t using social media. Considering billions of people are on at least one channel, it’s a great way to engage with your audience. Three platforms that you should leverage are Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. On each of these, you will be able to post content about what your organization is accomplishing. You can encourage your Facebook and Instagram audiences to tag you on their posts about you, as well. Keep getting your name out there so that you build awareness.

You want someone to see your social media post and immediately be excited to learn more about your event. So, something that you can’t skip out on in your marketing strategies for fundraising events is visual materials. All three of those previously mentioned channels utilize these materials. People love to see things that are dynamic and colorful. That’s exactly why 3D cards in Texas have become such a popular way to market via direct mail.

Get Media Coverage for the Fundraiser

Research your local media landscape. There may be a magazine, newspaper, or TV station that would love to cover your non-profit’s fundraiser. This will be perfect for your exposure. It will help you broaden your event’s reach and inevitably boost the funds that you raise because more of the community learns about you. Just make sure that everyone on your team is comfortable with this. They may end up being interviewed and or photographed by the media source.

Consider writing your own press release about your event. By tackling this yourself, you can give all of the necessary and accurate details. Determine what the most newsworthy aspects of your fundraising event are. Is there anything that is especially relevant to what is currently happening in your area, or even the world at large? Explain to readers how donations will serve your mission and what outcome you are hopeful for.

Talk About the Event in Your Newsletter

When you make a newsletter, your goal is to turn your subscribers into donors or volunteers. You provide them with enough insight about what you are up to that it inspires them to support you even more than they already are. As you execute your marketing strategies for fundraising events, don’t count out your newsletter. It’s a wonderful tool for the mass sharing of organization updates. Let your audience know well in advance when your event is taking place so that they can be prepared. Further along in the process, you can continue to mention it.

You must include call-to-action buttons or links within the content of your newsletter. These will prompt your reader to engage with you in the way that you want to be engaged. An example might be “Donate Now.” It is extremely to the point about your expectations. If someone were to click that button, they know that they would be taken to a donation form to fill out.

Create Unique Fundraiser Merchandise

Non-profit organizations should invest in the creation of innovative promotional items. These could be t-shirts or coffee mugs with your logo on them. But think about how you can make them something worth talking about. Maybe that mug responds to heat, so it changes colors when hot coffee is poured into it. You can support a C2C business on Etsy that sells personalized versions of these.

The reason why merchandise is a good marketing strategy for fundraising events is that it keeps you at the top of everyone’s minds long after the event. When they wear that t-shirt or drink from that coffee mug, they remember being at your event. If someone were to ask them where they got that item, your attendee would explain what your non-profit does. Keep in mind that you don’t have to just give out promotional items following the event, though. For organizations that run commercials on TV asking for donations, you could incentivize people to join your cause by offering branded gifts.

Mail Out Custom 3D Pop Up Cards

To officially invite donors to your fundraiser, go offline. Send them a card in the mail. It might sound like an old-school marketing strategy for fundraising events after all of the digital work that you’ve been doing to promote your event. But you can really increase your turnout when you expand your methods of communication.

There are limitless designs that you can choose from for your 3D pop up cards. Create something that will be especially meaningful for those that attend your fundraising event. OHIO811 made an example of this with their 3D fireworks card. This was sent out as an announcement for their 50th-anniversary event. The card displays their logo, website, and details about the event. In the center sits a stunning burst of gold and white fireworks, which is an even more interesting version of the flat fireworks on the cover. This 3D card is an impressive illustration of what your non-profit organization can achieve with a company like Awesome 3D Cards. 

Ready for your fundraising event? As a first-timer, it can be nerve-wracking. Even for those who have hosted them before, you need to analyze past numbers and set new goals. You want to get everything just right so that you grow and retain your donor relationships. That’s precisely why you need to consider your marketing strategies for fundraising events well in advance. Give yourself three to six months, and delegate your tasks to the best people for the job.



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