What to Write in 3D Pop Up Birthday Cards

There are many special occasions to celebrate throughout the year. Birthdays are one of them! These days are your chance to honor those around you, whether that is your relatives or friends. And in the business environment, you especially need to be thoughtful about the birthdays of your stakeholders. After all, they want to know that you care enough about them to mark down their big day in your calendar. They aren’t just someone you do business with.

But the question you may be asking yourself is: How do I even go about celebrating the birthdays of my teammates? The answer is birthday cards. These can be as simple or as dynamic as you can imagine. But, at the end of the day, it is of the utmost importance that you tailor your card to the individual. Here are some pro tips for personalizing your 3D pop up birthday cards.

Custom Birthday Card – 60 Rocks!

The Basics of a Birthday Card

In a well-crafted birthday card, you will include a salutation with the birthday person’s name. Following that, how much you decide to write in your 3D pop up birthday card depends on who the person you are writing to is. However, a card does not have enough space to write a novel. You must be thoughtful going into it, or else you are going to run out of space. Keep your focus on the birthday person. And make sure that you don’t forget to include some variation of “happy birthday!”

Birthday Cards for Your Coworkers

When you start working at a new company, it can be nerve-wracking. You don’t want to feel alone, like everyone already has their place and you are on the outskirts. But you might just find that one person who you immediately connect with. When it comes time for their birthday, make it extra special to show how much you value your relationship. In your card, you could talk about how lucky you are to have someone like them in your life or how they make the work day go by quicker. You can even include an inside joke!

That said, you may feel inclined to give 3D pop up birthday cards to coworkers who aren’t necessarily your at-work best friends. Just think about what type of humor would be most appropriate when crafting your message.

Birthday Cards for Your Boss

Remain professional when writing in your boss’s 3D pop up birthday card. Even if you are close with them, you ultimately do not have the same relationship that you do with your coworkers. So, whether you are delivering your own birthday card or collaborating on it with the rest of your team, be mindful of the language you choose. A good idea would be to tell your boss how much they inspire you. You can even refer to them as being the “best boss.” Given that they may be under a lot of stress from running the company, the goal is to be sincere and brighten their day.

Birthday Cards for Your Clients

Let’s say that you are the boss of the company. With your position comes great responsibility in terms of maintaining the loyalty of your audience. Your clients will value your products and services more if you share your good heart with them. To do this, mail out 3D pop up birthday cards for all of your clients. You can keep it short and sweet, highlighting how you know it is their special day and that they should enjoy it.

If you are reaching a VIP client, however, it is in your best interest to go the extra mile. Perhaps you have known them for several years now. This means it will almost be expected that you think of a message that is unique to your relationship. Bring up a moment that you have shared together and express your excitement about creating more memories in the year to come.

Birthday Cards for Your Vendors

Does your business have any longtime vendors? These people and companies are the reason why you are able to operate in the B2B space. For that reason, you should actively thank them throughout the year for their goods and services. One way to do that is with 3D pop up birthday cards. Share your appreciation with them through this visually interesting, affordable product. Your heartful message is something they are sure to remember, and they may even choose to display the card in their home or office.

When birthdays roll around, keep in mind that you don’t have to solely get the members of your team a card. Instead, pair your 3D pop up birthday cards with a gift! Think of something that will be especially meaningful to your recipient. Consider their likes and hobbies, based on interactions that you have had with them. The more personalized you get, the greater the connection you build. A little bit of effort goes a long way.


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