
Showing posts from August, 2022

Donor Appreciation: Marketing Strategies for Fundraising Events

Consumers don’t buy products that they don’t want. So, it should be no surprise that people don’t give money to causes that they don’t care about. Non-profit organizations need to find donors that do care about their cause. This means putting in the research on how to most effectively reach like-minded individuals and businesses. Being right in front of them wherever they get their news is the first step. But you can’t expect to build a long-lasting partnership with a donor if you aren’t actively engaging with them. It takes a level of effort and commitment. One popular way to attract donor and sponsor attention is through fundraising events . Beyond gaining money, they are fantastic for raising awareness and strengthening your relationships. Whether they are a charity tournament or a gala, these events involve many parties to make them a real success. You can’t just jump in feet-first. There’s a lot of necessary planning that you need to do with your team. We are going to dive into si